Every one of us has power to be creator of every moment of the life!
25. January 2017.

Soul retrieval –most powerful shamanic healing technique: Workshop- Novi sad 10-12 February 2017

Published by Ševko Bajić

SOUL RETREIEVAL – Workshop “Retrieval of lost parts of the soul” will be held from 10 -12 of February (10 February-Friday 17:00 to 22:00 hours, Saturday and Sunday (11:12 February) 09:00 to 16:30 hours, in the premises Ultra Well Center – Gogol 13 A.
• Learn the journey of the soul – shamanic techniques journey where you find the lost parts of the soul that need  to be integrated!
• Awaken that your animals can HEALING!
• Learn the most powerful shamanic healing technique – RETURN LOST PARTS OF SOUL! ”
• Learn how the ancient shamans “clean” energy that does not serve the purpose, is negative or creates programs conditioned behavior- from the deepest level of our energy beings

SOUL RETREIEVAL – Workshop “Return of lost parts of the soul” of the soul is one of most powerful  healing  shamanic techniques, which are practiced in different shamanic teachings and cultures. Through a two-and a half-day of the workshop all participants will gain enough knowledge and skills to be able independently to perform this technique to work on their healing or in working with clients. Surely you’ve heard many stories in which powerful shamans, travel or go to another reality and another world in search for the lost soul of his client. Incredibly deep integration process happens in this process when lost energy is returned to the client. The energy of the soul we lose as a result of trauma, sometimes because of our karma or acts of our ancestors. In order to move on to live lost energy was  replaced with other energy, which prevents us later to live our  life in true freedom. Return of the soul is an ancient shamanic technique which again integrates our being and restores lost freedom on deepest level of the person. After this healing techniques most common comment clients is: “From now on, I feel that I am more complete to  live your life of true freedom.”

In order to successfully adopt and integrate this powerful technique, through interactive session participants will adopt the following knowledge and learn:
– Learn basic of shamanic protection, fields, sacred space and purification space to work with the client;
– Connect with your shamanic “tools of healing”;
– Connect  with shamanic healing animals;
– Learn the steps and intentions shamanic journey for SOUL RETRIEVAL;
– Further shamanic protocol for individual application techniques when working with clients;
– Learn the technique of extraction of blocked energy, energy that no longer serves a purpose and works through the subconscious programs in our energy being – and work with the element of fire;

The workshop is aimed at all those who have experience in the practice of shamanic journey and want to implement a technique to yourself or working with the clients. Due to a limited number of participants, and interactive work with the group doing the work in pairs, the first 8 applications and those with advance payment for this workshop will have the opportunity to join us.

Please sign up as soon as possible through the following contacts: office@ultra-well.com, or by phone: 021/63 96 448 and 062/802 22 registration fee on the 3rd two-and a half day workshop, with all the materials and instructions for individual work is 150 Euro!